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Department of Statistics

Faculty / Department of Statistics

Associate Professor and Head of Department

Dr. Upendra Kumar

Name : Dr. Upendra Kumar  
Teacher Code : UPC/451
Date of Joining : 06-Feb-2009
Qualifications : M.Sc., Ph.D.
Area of Specialization : Demography
Contact No. : 9450782833
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In Udai Pratap College, the teaching of Statistics began in year 1969 at undergraduate level. After a period of 13 years, i.e., from session 1982-1983, the teaching of Statistics started at PG level. Initially this department was a section of Mathematics Department and from year 2003, Statistics department started functioning as an independent department. At present, there are five teachers (5 Permanent ).


Prof. Narendra Kumar

Name :   Prof. Narendra Kumar
Teacher Code : UPC/105
Designation :  Professor
Date of Joining : 02-April-1987
Qualifications : M.Sc., Ph.D.
Area of Specialization : Sampling Theory
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Dr. Pawan Kumar

Name :   Dr. Pawan Kumar
Teacher Code : UPC/537
Designation : Assistant Professor
Date of Joining : 26-May-2022
Qualifications : M.Sc. NET, Ph.D.
Area of Specialization : Reliability Theory and Life testing experiments, Statistical Inference
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Rahul Gautam

Name :   Rahul Gautam
Teacher Code : UPC/538
Designation : Assistant Professor
Date of Joining : 26-May-2022
Qualifications : M.Sc., NET GATE
Area of Specialization : Stochastic Processes, Reliability Theory, Design of Experiment, Sample Survey.
Contact No. : 9628099501
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Ankita Mishra

Name :   Ankita Mishra
Teacher Code : UPC/536
Designation : Assistant Professor
Date of Joining : 26-May-2022
Qualifications : M.Sc., NET-JRF
Area of Specialization : Demography, Multivariate Analysis
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